Technical Consultant for conducting Value Chain Study

HAD - Yemen - aden

Job Description

Market Assessment and Value Chain Analysis of Agricultural and Non-agricultural commodities (Fishery, Tourism, livestock, Agriculture, local products) and Labour markets in Socotra Governorate

  • JOB TITLE:  Technical consultant for conducting Value Chain Study.
  • REPORTING TO: Project Manager
  • LOCATION: Aden
  • CONTRACT DURATION: Four (4) weeks

1. Introduction and Background 

Humanitarian Aid and Develop Org. (HAD) is an international Non-Governmental Organization with the HQ located in Khartoum, Sudan, the Yemen program was established and officially registered in 2003.  In response to the call for humanitarian aid intervention in a world that suffers of sacristy of resources, deterioration of humanitarian services, political instability, food insecurity, social insecurity and displacement as well as all vulnerable people affected by man - made conflicts and natural disasters.
Food to Resilience project (FuTuRe) Project in Socotra is referred to as semi-stable beneficiary caseloads, from emergency 1st-line food assistance via General Food Assistance modalities (GFA) towards recovery-based programming under Food for Assets (FFA) and Food for Training (FFT) interventions and activities.  
Socotra Island is a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its unique biodiversity. The island is home to over 800 plant species, of which over 300 are endemic. Socotra is also home to a variety of animal species, including many that are found nowhere else in the world. 
The livelihood project is designed to improve the lives condition of the people in Socotra through providing them with food for training FFT and Food for Assets FFA to ensuring a sustainability of livelihoods. The project will focus on activities such as agriculture, fishing, and tourism, etc.

The expected outputs of the project are:

1.    Increased economic access to sufficient and diverse diet;
2.    Strengthened sustainable livelihoods through the provisions of assets and skills development;
3.    Enhanced access to, and management, of community assets.
4.    Improved knowledge and practices in relation building capacity of local communities;
5.    Expanded evidence base, providing a foundation for timely crisis response and longer-term resilience and development activities;
6.    Strengthened community resilience through (Disaster Risk Reduction) DRR, Community Based Early Warning (CBEW) systems, and contingency planning.

The livelihood activities promoted can appropriately respond to existing market demand.
Accordingly to this HAD is currently seeking to determine which food to resilience and livelihood activities (agricultural and non-agricultural, fishery, livestock, Tourism, local products etc ) hold promise of better employment opportunities, product expansion, market viability, value addition opportunities, quality improvement and input availability for small producers. Depending on the items identified, cost and availability in local markets, will provide beneficiaries with appropriate assets (in-kind or through cash). Agricultural and livestock inputs may for instance include improved seeds, tools, materials for irrigation systems and materials for beekeeping; additional inputs could include livestock, animal health care equipment, or startup kits for for targeted beneficiaries of FTT trainings.

2.    Objectives

The primary objective of this assignment is to conduct a comprehensive Value Chain Analysis and Market Assessment of agricultural and non-agricultural commodities, including fishery, tourism, livestock, agriculture, and local products, as well as labor markets in Socotra Governorate. This analysis will generate evidence-based insights to inform project design and enhance livelihood strategies. Specifically, the assessment should evaluate the status, viability, and potential of existing and emerging markets, identifying opportunities for employment creation, product diversification, market expansion, value addition, and quality improvement. Furthermore, the study will explore input availability for small producers and pinpoint the most promising sectors for sustainable growth, enabling better resource allocation and targeted support for livelihood development.
The specific objectives are:

Specific Objectives:

1.    Conduct a review of existing data:

  • Review past studies on market trends, value chain analyses, and labor market dynamics, with a focus on agricultural, fishery, and tourism sectors.
  • Example: Analyze prior reports on the fishing industry in Socotra to identify trends in catch volumes and market access.

2.    Develop a detailed methodology for data collection, including:

  • Quantitative tools: Use structured surveys to gather data on market actors (e.g., farmers, fishers, traders) to assess production volumes, sales trends, prices, and wages.
    • Example Tool: Kobo Toolbox or ODK Collect for digital surveys.
  • Qualitative tools: Conduct key informant interviews (KIIs) and focus group discussions (FGDs) with local producers, community leaders, and business owners to gather contextual insights.
    • Example Tool: Semi-structured interview guides for KIIs with farmers and traders to understand barriers to market entry.
  • Gender and youth considerations: Integrate specific questions targeting women and youth to identify opportunities and challenges unique to these groups.
    • Example: Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with women and youth on the challenges in participating in livestock production or tourism.

3.    Conduct Market and Value Chain Assessment, focusing on:

  • Identification of local, regional, and international markets for key commodities (e.g., fish, livestock, honey, tourism products).
  • Market size and structure: Determine market demand, sales volumes, and segmentation.
    • Example: Assess the export potential of fishery products to Gulf countries, factoring in logistical constraints.
  • Procurement mechanisms and standards: Evaluate market requirements (e.g., quality standards, delivery timelines) and procurement methods.
    • Example: Study the procurement processes of local tourism operators or fish processors, identifying the minimum quality standards required to meet market demands.
  • Value addition opportunities: Assess how to enhance product value through processing, branding, or packaging.
    • Example: Explore opportunities for honey processing and packaging for local and international markets.

4.    Draft a comprehensive report that includes:

  • Executive summary of findings.
  • Detailed analysis of market dynamics for each sector (agriculture, fishery, tourism).
  • Practical recommendations for enhancing value chain performance and creating employment opportunities.
  • Example: Propose practical solutions like establishing cooperative models to link fishers to larger markets.

3.    Methodology
1.    Desk Review:

  • Review existing documentation, including reports from NGOs, government studies, and academic research, to understand current market trends, barriers, and value chain gaps.
  • Example: A report on the impact of climate change on Socotra's agricultural productivity.

2.    Primary Data Collection:

Quantitative Data:

  • Conduct structured surveys using Kobo Toolbox or Google Forms to collect numerical data on production costs, profit margins, wage rates, and labor market conditions.
  • Example: Survey smallholder farmers on input costs (seeds, fertilizers, irrigation systems) and output prices.

Qualitative Data:

  • Conduct Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with women farmers, fishers, and tourism operators to explore challenges in accessing markets and potential solutions.
  • Conduct Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) with traders, market authorities, and cooperative leaders.
  • Example: Interviews with local traders on transportation costs and barriers to exporting fish.

3.    Fieldwork:

  • Perform field visits to key markets in Hadiboh and Qalansiyah to observe market operations, gather price data, and meet with key market actors (traders, middlemen, and consumers).
  • Example: During the field visit, observe price fluctuations in fish markets to assess seasonal impacts on trade.

4.    Data Analysis:

  • Use SPSS or Excel to analyze quantitative data, identifying key trends in price fluctuations, wage rates, and employment patterns.
  • Analyze qualitative data using thematic analysis to identify recurring themes (e.g., barriers to entry for women in livestock production).

4.    Deliverables

1.    Inception Report (Week 1):

  • Submit an inception report with the methodology, proposed tools, data collection schedule, and stakeholder engagement plan.
  • Example: Specify that 100 surveys will be conducted in Hadiboh, with 10 KIIs and 4 FGDs across both Hadiboh and Qalansiyah.

2.    Desk Review Report (Week 2):

  • Deliver a desk review summarizing existing knowledge and identifying data gaps, with recommendations on filling these gaps.

3.    Draft Market and Value Chain Analysis Report (Week 3):

  • Submit the first draft of the market and value chain report, presenting preliminary findings.
  • Example: Initial findings show that while Socotra’s honey has high value addition potential, limited branding and packaging facilities impede market access.

4.    Final Report (Week 4):

  • Submit a comprehensive final report with key findings, detailed value chain maps, risk analysis, and recommendations for improving small producers' market access and employment opportunities.
  • Example: Include a recommendation to establish a community-based fish processing unit to boost value addition for local fishers.

Key Elements of the Final Report

The report should include:

  • Value Chain Map: A detailed map of value chain actors (farmers, fishers, traders, transporters), disaggregated by gender, showing the flow of goods and services through the chain.
  • Challenges and Opportunities: Identify the main constraints facing producers (e.g., infrastructure, market access, input availability) and propose actionable solutions.
    • Example: A lack of cold storage facilities for fish leads to post-harvest losses. Recommend investment in solar-powered cold storage to improve quality retention.
  • Risk Analysis: Evaluate the potential risks, such as environmental hazards (e.g., cyclones affecting fishing) and propose mitigation strategies.
  • Note

A based to above in the deliverables aspect the final document has to clearly and explicitly indicate:

a.    The added values the HAD - FuTuRe Project could bring to these value chains 
Define the challenges and the opportunities of selected value chain holds for small producers. This includes, at least: 

  • Identification the types of value chain(s) that offer better opportunities in the local and distant markets and what requirements have to be met to exploit those opportunities
  • Areas of improvement for better production and productivity to increase competitiveness of the small producers engaged in the value chain
  • Opportunities for better employment and income for the small producers 
  • Identification of sustainable development potentials in the value chain

b.    Prepare a complete value chain map showing who is the value chain actors, stakeholders, supporters and influence's, how many they are, values and volumes handled, all units dis-aggregated by gender including a detailed stakeholder’s analysis.
c.    The potentials for integration of small producers in the value chain 
d.    Identification of possible improvements that can lead to significant increases in employment and income for the small producers 
e.     Provision analysis of potential risks that may hamper reaching HAD - FuTuRe Project goals for the value chain.  The analysis should provide narratives if the bottlenecks are critical (i.e. the project would fail to increase opportunities for small produces if the bottlenecks are not removed as planned and the level of risk that the bottlenecks identified will not be removed on short-term, with in the project life span,
f.    A recommendation on how the project shall pursue its interventions in the face of findings on the ground.  

5.    Reporting

The final report submitted to HAD - FuTuRe Project Manager that will include separate recommendations and an implementation plan, in a separate document, which outlines where can contribute based on the project activities to alleviate the bottlenecks identified in the value chain analysis within the time span of the project in upcoming intervention activities.  

The consultant will work closely and in coordination with the HAD - FuTuRe Project team, specifically the Senior Programme Manager, FuTuRe Project manager as well as the FFA ,FFT and M& E officers .

6.      Ownership and Beneficiaries of the study 

Any and all documents produced under this assignment shall be the sole property of FuTuRe Project and may be used for any purpose whatsoever without the need to consult with the author.

The key beneficiaries of the study are the local communities within the project area, as the study will support them in understanding the local market dynamics and also support those interested in value chain of their agriculture and non-agriculture products. In addition the assessment report will be aimed at a range of stakeholders such as donors, public policy makers and other stakeholders including other INGOs working on FSL in Yemen. The findings of this study will also be used to raise the awareness level of the policy makers at the strategic, tactical and operational levels and propose alternative mechanisms for small producers for better livelihood options.

7.     Place(s) of Assignment & Time Frame 

  • Location: Socotra Governorate (Hadiboh and Qalansiyah)
  • Duration: 30 days, with a final report deadline of November 30, 2024.

8.    Competencies

  • Strong analytical skills
  • Ability to work under pressure in challenging environments
  • Capacity to dialogue with different sectors
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Excellent English and Arabic language skills
  • Determination and focus on goals and results
  • Sound management and effective facilitation skills
  • Experience in institutional development capacities, 
  • Experience in carryout and moderating of workshops and training's (including dealing with different types of local communities, people/participants and stakeholders, partners and targeted beneficiaries  ), 
  • Good knowledge of government authority’s context,
  • Familiarity with cultural context,
  • Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Applications including word, excel, power point and very good communication skills (including an emails communication etc )
  • Familiarity with the current context and environment ,social and administrative structures,
  • Flexibility in time arrangements
  • Excellent reporting skills.

9.    Skill and knowledge base requirements:

  • Excellent knowledge of value chain analysis in Yemen, 
  • Strong analytical, research and presentation skills.

Post date: Today
Publisher: Yemen HR jobs
Post date: Today
Publisher: Yemen HR jobs