FSL Program Manager (re-advertised)

Job Description

Action Contre la Faim is an International Humanitarian Organization established in 1979 with the mission to save lives by combating hunger through prevention, detection and treatment of malnutrition, in particular during and after emergency situations caused by conflict and natural disasters. Action Contre la Faim provides coordinated responses in nearly 50 countries including Yemen globally within 7 field of expertise which includes Nutrition and Health, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Food Security, Mental Health Care Practices, Gender and Protection, Advocacy, Risk and Disaster Management and Research.
ACF has been operational in Yemen since 2012 and is operational in 4 bases (Aden, Hodeida, Al khokha and Sanaa). The mission implements its activities which are centred on 3 sectors, Nutrition and Health, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Mental Health and Psychosocial Support and Protection (MHPSS-P).
For more information please visit our website. https://www.actioncontrelafaim.org/en/missions/yemen/

Job Title:  FSL Program Manager (re-advertised)
Location:  Aden
Contract duration: until December 2025 with possibility for renewal 
Basic monthly salary (taxable): 2303$ to 2753$ based on experience salary calculation (excluding other benefits offered by the organization)
Direct Line Manager: Field Coordinator
Functional: Head of FSL Department/DCD Program.

Position Summary

To identify and implement high quality FSL activities which are appropriate and comprehensive, in conformity with overarching strategy and the standards set internationally, by ACF and by national policies.  

Objective 1: Contribute to deliberations on strategy and the positioning of the FSL Department  

The FSL Program Manager is responsible for:

  • ongoing, systematic and thorough analysis of the humanitarian situation in respect of FSL and of the context of intervention in his/her field of activity;
  • internal dissemination of information gathered and its analysis to the Field Coordinator and the HoD
  • taking part in the determination of strategy in his/her area of activity and sectoral strategy at national level
  • setting up projects consistent with the ACF Charter, the ACFIN 2015 strategic framework, the policies of FSL and other ACF sectors, national strategic and other legal texts produced by ministers responsible for the FSL sector, and key international documents in the sector  (Standards SPHERE and WHO, etc.)
  • ensuring that teams have a clear understanding of these documents
  • participating, as and when necessary, in the development of the FSL section of the emergency response plan in his/her area of activity ;
  • promoting transversal integration of the FSL sector with other sectors, in collaboration with the Field Coordinator ;
  • taking cognizance of transversal problems associated with FSL initiatives (HIV, Gender issues, Disaster Management, Environment, Handicap, etc.)

Examples of tasks:

  • Monitor and analyze general indicators
  • Monitor and analyze key ACF indicators in the field of intervention
  • Integrate this analysis and the follow up in the APR on a monthly basis
  • Become thoroughly familiar with the ACF strategy (ACFIN 2015) and that of the mission
  • Define the operational direction to be promoted in relation to the strategy, the capacities of the mission and the identification of need in the sector
  • Take notice of the sectoral orientations of national strategy and understand the implications for his/her field of activity
  • Identify the presence and the strategic orientations of other partners in the field with a view to improving coordination and effective working
  • Take part in the annual strategic review of the mission
  • Gather, analyze and share relevant information in the context of technical and operational strategy meetings organized by the HoD or the Field Coordinator
  • Organize awareness raising sessions in respect of FSL sectoral documentations

Objective 2: Identify needs and contribute to project elaboration

The FSL Program Manager is responsible for:

  • Identifying humanitarian needs in the field of FSL and in his/her area of activity, this to include the submission of reports pertaining to such matters
  • Including, where appropriate, target populations and local actors in the identification of needs and ways of responding to them
  • Participation in defining FSL programs
  • Contributing to the writing of the FSL sections of project proposals

Examples of tasks :

  • Carry out need assessment missions (methodology, team training in the field, carrying out investigations on the ground)
  • Collect secondary data and information supplied by the target populations
  • Analyze the results of need assessments
  • Write up analysis reports
  • Put forward recommendations for the definition of programs (localization, methods of implementation, context...)
  • Work on the definition of programs, taking into account logistics, administration, other areas of intervention, partners etc
  • Contribute to proposals for intervention (logical framework, covering literature, text, budget, time scales and logistics.....) in collaboration with the departments concerned

Objective 3: Set up, implement and report on FSL projects

The FSL Program Manager is responsible for:

  • Setting up of the FSL program(s) taking into account the logical framework of the program(s), the budget, and the logistical and administrative processes of ACF
  • The quality of the programs established in conformity with the technical and project management standards of ACF
  • Familiarizing him/herself thoroughly with his/her projects, the issues involved, the logical framework and indicators ; retaining printed copies of all funding agency contractual documents ; sharing all such information with his/her teams
  • Identifying the technical constraints associated with the implementation of the projects
  • Proposing innovative technical solutions in response to such constraints
  • The implementation of technical recommendations concerning his/her project (Head of Department, Technical Advisor at Headquarters, Experts, Evaluators …)
  • Supervising his/her programs, by means of internal APR monitoring tools, regular presence in the field, maintenance of a timeline, monthly review of the budget
  • Maintaining the profile of both the funding agency and ACF on the project sites
  • Preparing in time to meet deadlines the FSL components of external and internal reports relating to his/her projects
  • Identifying and implementing safety measures for both the teams and the wider population (building sites, community based sites …)

Examples of tasks:

  • Take notice of funding agencies’ contractual document
  • Train his/her teams in the logical framework of the project, transversal issues, etc
  • Define the various stages of the projects by reference to existing technical guidelines
  • Develop for submission and approval by the Head of the FSL Department technical methodologies for the implementation of his/her projects
  • Implement project activities with his/her teams
  • Prepare and apply a plan for monitoring and evaluation
  • Convene a regular meeting of the program team to monitor the progress of activities
  • Prepare a monthly APR of his/her project
  • Take part in the monthly budgetary monitoring exercise, and request it if it has not been undertaken  
  • Engage in the planning of needs and resources with the Logistic and Finance Departments 
  • Prepare reports for funding agencies (intermediate and final) and reports for the information of regulatory authorities  
  • Submit in good time reports to his/her hierarchical manager for approval and dissemination
  • Identify risks in consultation with the support departments concerned
  • Train the teams
  • Order the materials necessary for the safety of sites, personnel and the wider population

Objective 4: Contribute to the quality, accountability and impact measurement process of his/her program
The FSL Program Manager is responsible for:

  • Promoting and taking part in the evaluation of the impact of his/her project (external assessment)
  • Promoting and contributing to learning and improvement of quality (internal evaluation and joint visits)
  • Implementing complaints procedures for ethical and transparency reasons, particularly in respect of the beneficiary populations
  • Ensuring that a double CAP survey is put in place (baseline/final)

Examples of tasks:

  • Play a part in writing the TOR of the external assessment
  • Accompany external assessors
  • Configure and set up joint visits/inspections (Program Managers, beneficiaries, funding bodies, other partners in the area)
  • Implement the recommendations made as a result of internal and external assessments in the context of a specific work plan (quality control)
  • Establish a complaint procedure
  • Respond to the target population within the framework of the complaints procedure
  • File a return to the target population and the authorities following the impact assessment
  • Initiate an obligatory CAP enquiry at both beginning and end of each FSL project of one year or longer duration and on an ad hoc basis for shorter projects

Objective 5: Participate in the coordination, representation and partnerships of ACF in his/her area of intervention  
The FSL Program Manager is responsible for:

  • Coordination of activities with other sectors and departments of ACF in order to ensure rational use of resources and optimum integration
  • Participation in visits by funding bodies whenever requested by the Country Director or the Field Coordinator
  • Representing ACF and ensuring coordination with partners, the authorities, agencies of the United Nations and NGOs in his/her sector, in collaboration with the Field Coordinator
  • Contributing to the process of selecting partners, formalizing partnerships and enhancing their capabilities (Local NGOs, international NGOs, national authorities, private agencies etc...)
  • Reinforcing the FSL capabilities of partners

Examples of tasks:

  • Participate in and contribute to internal and external coordination meetings
  • Represent ACF in forums or working parties in FSL and related areas
  • Identify potential partners
  • Take part in their selection according to the documented partnership policy of ACF
  • Prepare with partners a plan to strengthen their competences
  • Propose  activities to enhance the abilities of partners
  • Draft and propose to the FSL HoD articles for the technical Newsletter or related external support (Field exchange..).

Objective 6: Supervise and manage the team

The FSL Program Manager is responsible for:

  • Determining size and recruitment of his/her team
  • Team management (leadership, monitoring, motivation)
  • Evaluation of team members
  • Staff development of team members

Examples of tasks :

  • Define the human resource needs for his/her area of activity and the organization chart of the team
  • Participate in the recruitment of his/her teams (producing job descriptions, conducting interviews, administering tests...)
  • Organizing and conducting team and one-to-one meetings on both a regular and exceptional basis
  • Working out and following through individual action plans for team members
  • Managing planning, work-sharing and coordination of work
  • Providing for assessment interviews with team members
  • Providing technical support for the teams  
  • Identifying the training needs of team members
  • Setting up, organizing and leading training sessions
  • Requesting outside support for complementary training exercises (HR, HoD, partners...).)
  • Dealing with problems within the team

Objective 7: Contributing to capitalization and technical development in his/her sector
The FSL Program Manager is responsible for:

  • Capitalization of program-related data and documentation of the innovations achieved
  • Dissemination of the technical and operational expertise acquired in the course of the program
  • Contributing to the upward transmission of data from the ground the better to inform ACF communications

Examples of tasks:

  • To produce capitalization reports on the basis of existing formats
  • Compile all documents dealing with the essential techniques and methodologies involved in the projects (including the list of beneficiaries and distribution etc..) for capitalization and audit purposes
  • Write a handover report at the end of the mission
  • Ensure that his/her superior is supplied with all essential documents for archiving in digital form
  • Ensure that a CD containing project photographs is supplied to the communications department at debriefing sessions
  • Contribute to the sharing of experience (end of mission account, interview, internet site.....)

Safeguarding Commitments

Action Contre La Faim has a zero tolerance to all forms of violations of Child and Adult Safeguarding, Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and the Code of Conduct by staff. In the process of recruitment, selection and appointment ACF implements a range of procedures and actions to ensure children and vulnerable adults are safeguarded and abuse is prevented.

Gender Equality Commitments  

  • Foster an environment that supports values of women and men, and equal access to information;
  • Provide a work environment where women and men must be evaluated and promoted based on their skills and performance;
  • Respect beneficiaries’ women, men, children (boys and girls) regardless of gender, sex orientation, disability, religion. race, color, ancestry, national origin, age, or marital status;
  • Value and respect all cultures. 

Qualifications Needed

  • Bachelor degree in a technical field (Engineering, Agriculture) or any related degree.

Required Skills:-

  • Experience in the humanitarian field and food security.
  • 3-5 Years Experience within the same position.
  • Good knowledge of supervise the work of the team.
  • Good knowledge/skills in Microsoft Excel. 
  • Good team spirit and ability to work under pressure 
  • Good analytical capacity
  • Flexibility and adaptability.
  • Excellent knowledge of spoken and written English.
  • Good knowledge of culturally sensitive, energetic, Dedicated to ACF values.

Post date: Today
Publisher: Yemen HR jobs
Post date: Today
Publisher: Yemen HR jobs