Flutter Developer

مصر - Egypt

Building multi-platform applications for Android and iOS using the Flutter development framework of Google.

Writing clear and reader-friendly code using tools like Dart. Documenting the entire usage process in detail for straightforward utilization and upgrading in the future.

Collaborating with other developers to create, deploy, and maintain Flutter-based applications for different platforms.

Writing and reviewing multi-application codes.

Overseeing and reviewing application design.

Building, implementing, and managing product modules along with their sub-systems.

Testing products to remove bugs and any malfunctioning aspects.

Carrying out unit testing and integration analysis.

Ensuring consistency between the delivered product features and the requirements/criteria of the business.

You possess 3 years of experience as a Flutter Engineer/Developer or in a similar role.You have adequate working experience in building iOS mobile applications using Objective-C or Swift.You are well-versed in creating automated test cases, threading, performance tuning, and offline storage.You have at least a working knowledge of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and third-party libraries.You are familiar with the Agile development lifecycle.You know how to work with Jenkins, Git, and other version control tools.You have strong problem-solving and critical-thinking abilities.You possess excellent communication skills that facilitate interaction with multiple stakeholders.You are confident, detail-oriented, and highly motivated to contribute to the growth of the organization as part of a high-performing team.You have the ability to work under pressure and adhere to tight deadlines.
تاريخ النشر: ٣١ مارس ٢٠٢٤
الناشر: Wuzzuf .com
تاريخ النشر: ٣١ مارس ٢٠٢٤
الناشر: Wuzzuf .com