Nutrition Officer (2)

HAD - Yemen - taiz

Job Description

Job title: officer Nutrition
Department: Program
Reports to: H & N manger
Location: Hudrmout, Taiz, Yemen
Duration:  /     /2024 to    /      /2024
Condition: Full time

Tasks and Responsibilities 


  • Work closely with your direct supervisor in the implementation, supervision, and coordination of all the nutrition (CMAM) projects and ensure that international SPHERE standards and MOPHP guidelines are observed.
  • Supervise all the nutrition monitors/workers assigned to the nutrition program to ensure smooth operations, physical maintenance, and appropriate upkeep of the program.
  • Organize weekly and or monthly work ‘Schedules/Plans’ for the staff in the nutrition program.
  • Ensure all registers is available and in use and staff punctuality is maintained at the Nutrition center 
  • Promote cordial and professional working relationships among the team and ensure staff conflicts and concerns are addressed in an appropriate and timely manner.
  • Ensure appropriate health & nutrition promotion materials are available at the center(s) and regular health & nutrition education sessions are held by the nutrition workers at the feeding center(s) and project communities.
  • Undertake the day to day monitoring and implementation of the nutrition activities and ensure all food and other resources are appropriately managed and distributed to only the intended beneficiaries. Ensure Nutrition protocols, admission and discharge criteria are displayed and respected by all staff working in the feeding center (s). 
  • Ensure timely request and appropriate positioning of all required food and materials at all the supporting center(s) for planned activities.
  • Ensure regular screening, case finding, and defaulter tracing are carried out by the Nutrition workers. Conduct a regular rapid nutritional screening among new arrivals in the project communities. 
  • Conduct and / or recommend appropriate training for the nutrition staff as required.
  • Carry out appraisals for staff under your supervision on regular basis in consultation with your immediate supervisor.
  • Ensure to avoid the duplication of the registration of the beneficiaries at the H.F or M.Ts.
  • Well manage the nutrition team in coordination and timely manner. 


  • Ensure all nutrition records, TSFP cards, and registers are correctly filled and updated.
  • Prepare and regularly update stock cards for food and materials at the feeding center(s). Carry out a physical count of all food and materials at the nutrition center(s) at the end of each month and prepare and submit a correct inventory report. 
  • Provide adequate and timely weekly & monthly reports (TSFP food report, statistics, and program narrative) on the Nutrition program activities. 
  • Document any successful stories or lessons learned.
  • Prepare a monthly plan for implementation of the activities. 
  • Prepare quarterly and annual reports for the project at each district.


  • Work closely with other relevant sectors to ensure coordination of nutrition activities with those sectors (health clinic, Midwives,  etc.).
  • Attend and actively participate at the   technical meetings on Nutrition with other partners (NGOs, UNICEF, WHO, WFP) and the Ministry of Public Health and Population  and provide reporting to the nutrition manager 
  • Promote community participation and involvement in the Nutrition activities.
  • Prepare outreach activities as required.


  • Report any challenges encountered in the Nutrition program to the line Manager.
  • Participate in carrying out health/Nutrition assessments where required.
  • Conduct daily field visit to ensure that the entire nutrition centers are functioning and highly quality of services have been maintained 
  • Undertake any additional tasks as requested by the Line Manager.


  • Ensure Nutrition staff are trained on, aware of and in compliance with HAD security policies.

Post date: Today
Publisher: Yemen HR jobs
Post date: Today
Publisher: Yemen HR jobs